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A skit for the Kingdom Adventures theme for SMAC Sunday School. The Kingdom Award is immediately followed by The Good Samaritan.
Lester the Jester hears about the Kingdom Award from Princess Ana, but he has no idea what it’s about! Headservant Sebastian explains all about it to Lester, with a very proud look on his face, until Harriet the Cook enters and they end up fighting over who deserves the Kingdom Award!
The characters and their respective actors were: Lester the Jester played by Jono, Princess Ana played by Anna, Headservant Sebastian played by Quentin, and Harriet the Cook played by Sharon. Harriet is a crossover character taken from the previous skit theme, The Bible Voyages of Captain McPineapple. In the skit, she refers to Captain McPineapple and Junior, both characters from her original skit.
The skit is followed by Teaching Time on the passage of Luke 18:9-14, about Jesus’ parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Jesus uses this parable to teach us that those who put themselves above others will not please God, however those who humble themselves will be honoured in heaven.
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